Measuring Envelope products and systems contributing to next generation of healthy nearly Zero Energy buildings

The MEZeroE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 953157

Meet zero energy buildings open ecosystem
MEZeroE is an open ecosystem for the development, testing and upscaling of smart and biobased, human-centric envelope products. MEZeroE combines infrastructure facilities and the expertise of academic and research centers with innovative solutions proposed by industry. MEZeroE was created to enable the development of evidence-based solutions that are squarely focused on carbon neutrality and healthy indoor environments.

As part of the work package in charge of communication and dissemination, compáz developed the identity aspects of the project (institutional and promotional materials, website) and planned all the communication channels and contents as well as the management and organisation of the calendar of conferences, fairs and events

First, manifesto
In addition to its communication role, compáz is responsible for the annual publication of a creative document promoting the activities, news and progress achieved by the consortium. At the rate of one publication per year for 5 years, the first opus, published in December 2021, describe the foundations of MEZeroE compiled in the form of a Manifesto.

We are an open innovation ecosystem, an essential link between laboratories and markets, a network from which the next habitat paradigm must be born. We are MEZEroE.